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  • DARCARS Kia of Temple Hills

Aug 26, 2022

Defensive driving is a style of driving designed to keep you and your passengers safe by anticipating the actions of other drivers. You can only control your actions when driving, so these skills focus on how to react to others and prevent accidents. As your Kia dealer in Temple Hills, MD, we’d like to share some of these tips with you.Hands On Steering Wheel

Keep a Safe Distance

Keeping a distance between you and the vehicle ahead is critical for safe driving, whether it’s driving at night or during the day. This is something that every driver learns when they’re studying for their driver’s license. If the vehicle ahead suddenly brakes, for example, you need enough time to be able to brake. Generally, a 3-second gap is the minimum safety distance between cars.

To practice this skill, focus on a fixed point ahead of you, then count the time between when the vehicle ahead of you passes the object and when you do. If it’s 3 seconds, you’re at a safe distance, and if it’s less than 3 seconds you should slow down for safety. By keeping a safe minimum distance from other vehicles, you’ll help increase the chance of avoiding an accident.

Never Assume

As a driver, it’s easy to fall into a trap of assuming that other drivers on the road will drive correctly and behave responsibly. Drivers are subject to numerous unrelated influences, any of which can distract them. It is also important to remember that not every driver will hold to the same level of safe driving you’re employing.

A driver may, for example, use their turning signals to indicate a turn to the right and then turn to the left. Another example is a driver who suddenly cuts across traffic to take a parking space they’ve just seen. Both of these actions are dangerous, and you wouldn’t assume drivers would take them. When you’re driving, be very cautious of other drivers’ behavior.

Be Observant

Always scan the road ahead and limit possible distractions for yourself. Be sure to check your side and rearview mirrors frequently for any situation you need to be aware of. If you’re focusing on your driving and the other drivers and pedestrians around you, you should be prepared for any driving eventuality. A pedestrian, for example, could step into the street unexpectedly and you need to react to that.

It’s easy to become distracted, especially if you’re driving a route that you’re familiar with. This can lead you to become more relaxed and reduce your reaction time. You want to be a safe driver, and it’s essential to be aware of everything around you at all times. If you stay focused, you can keep yourself, your passengers, and your car safe and help to prevent accidents.

Want a New Kia in Temple Hills, MD for Your Traveling?

These are some examples of defensive skills that you can use each time you’re behind the wheel. If you’d like to buy a new Kia or quality used car, come to DARCARS Kia of Temple Hills. We have an excellent range of new and used vehicles available for you.