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  • DARCARS Kia of Temple Hills

Jan 5, 2024

If you have a faulty transmission, you might want to head to your local Temple Hills, MD, Kia Service Center, which has all the right tools and knowledge to diagnose and fix the problem. Learn the signs that this part of your car is in disrepair, so you know when to head right over and talk to a mechanic.



Need Transmission Repair?

You Haven’t Visited the Kia Dealer in a WhileMechanic hands holding transmission | Temple Hills, MD

If you can’t remember the last time you visited the dealer for routine maintenance, then some of the parts of your car may be in disrepair. We recommend heading right to the dealer to have them thoroughly check over your car and fix anything that’s not in the best shape.



You Struggle to Shift Gears

If you’re having problems with this part of your car, then you’ll probably find it hard to shift gears. If you drive a manual, the gearshift might pop out of place, or you may have to push hard to get into gear. You may also have to try really hard while driving an automatic car, depending on the type of shifter you have. You could also find that when you shift gears, your car shifts right back to the gear you were in previously.



You Have a Leak

If you spot any red or brown fluid under your vehicle, then there’s a high probability that your car has sprung a leak that’s going to impact your gearbox. You may start having trouble shifting gears or staying in gear because of the leak. Always keep an eye out around your vehicle by checking the ground for leaks so you can get them repaired as soon as you notice them.



You Keep Slipping Out of Gear

If your system is slipping gears, then there’s an underlying issue that you need to address. You might find that your car jumps into the wrong gear for a moment before slipping into the gear you’re aiming for. This can be dangerous if it happens on a crowded road, so you should visit the dealer as soon as the problem occurs.



You Experience Rough Shifting

You might find your car jerks when you change from one gear to the next. This is an unnatural response to a gearshift, so it’s a sign that you need to get the system checked out by a professional.


 If you’re having any of the problems we talked about above, then schedule a service appointment online or visit DARCARS Kia of Temple Hills. Make sure you stop by regularly so we can keep your car’s parts in excellent health for you.