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  • DARCARS Kia of Temple Hills

Jul 15, 2022

Flat tires have the tendency to occur just when you least expect it, even if you check your car’s tire pressure and inspect the tires regularly. But if you’re prepared with a spare tire and the right tools, then it needn’t ruin your day. Here’s exactly how to change a tire with minimal fuss in 12 simple steps. And if you get stuck at any point, you can always check your owner’s manual or even call up your local Kia dealer for some detailed guidance.Changing a Tire Temple Hills, MD

Have the Right Tools Handy

A well-prepared driver always has a spare tire in the trunk, along with the basic tools you need to change a tire: a jack and a wrench. You can use a floor, scissor, or accordion jack. They all work well.

In addition, you might make the job easier if you have the vehicle owner’s manual, a tire gauge, and a flashlight handy. And you never know what sort of weather conditions you’ll be working in, so it’s wise to carry gloves, a raincoat, cold-weather clothing, and a mat for the ground.

Find a Safe Place to Stop

If you can, find a well-lit place to pull over on a straight stretch of road, far from any corners. Pull over as far from the road as possible, out of the way of oncoming traffic. Stop on a flat area of ground where your car won’t roll and put on your hand brake.

Turn On Your Hazard Lights

Any time you need to pull over and stop beside the road, there’s the threat of other vehicles hitting you. Mitigate this risk by turning on your hazard lights, so drivers can see you from a long way off.

Loosen the Lug Nuts

Now it’s time to begin. If you have a hubcap on the wheel, take it off. Then use your wrench to loosen each lug nut until they’re loose enough to remove by hand. To do this, you’ll need to turn the lug nuts counterclockwise.

Use the Jack to Raise Your Car

To raise the tire that needs changing, place the jack under a solid metal part of the car. Then start cranking until the flat tire is raised six inches off the ground.

Where to Place Your Jack

To avoid damaging your vehicle, place your jack with care. If you’re driving our ever-popular Kia Forte, or any other modern Kia, you’ll find clearly marked notches for jack placement just in front of each rear tire and just behind each front tire. If you’re in any doubt, double-check your owner manual to find the safest placement areas on your vehicle.

Use Your Jack Safely

Always make sure that your jack is perpendicular to the ground throughout the entire process. If it’s slanting at all, carefully lower your car and start again. Also, never let any part of your body go under your car when it’s raised by a jack.

Remove the Lug Nuts

Now you can remove the lug nuts. Use the wrench or your hands to finish unscrewing them. Store the lug nuts somewhere carefully, so you won’t lose them.

Take Off the Flat Tire

With the lug nuts gone, nothing is holding the tire on. A Kia’s tire might weigh up to 50 pounds, so brace yourself well, grip with both hands, and pull it directly toward you.

Put On Your Spare Tire

To put the spare tire on, line up the holes with the lug nut posts and slide it on. Push the tire on as firmly as you can.

Replace the Lug Nuts

Put the lug nuts on and tighten them a little. But don’t tighten them all the way just yet. We need to make sure the new tire is perfectly even.

Partially Lower Your Car

Use the jack to slowly lower your car until the new tire is touching the ground. Hold it there, where the minimal contact with the ground will hold the tire steady.

Tighten the Lug Nuts Evenly

Now tighten the lug nuts in a way that ensures the new tire is on straight. To achieve this, tighten each lug nut in increments, circulating through all four lug nuts until the tire is even and secure.

Lower Your Car Completely

Now you can use the jack to lower your car all the way and then remove the jack. At this final stage, check that your lug nuts are as tight as possible once again, and replace the hubcap if you have one. Congratulations on successfully changing your tire.

Ask for a Demo at Your Local Kia Dealer in Temple Hills, MD

Are you still feeling nervous about the operation? You could always visit your local dealership and ask for a demonstration when getting the tires changed by certified technicians.

Get New Tires in Temple Hills, MD at Our Kia Dealership

For guidance on changing tires or if you need to buy new tires for your Kia, visit DARCARS Kia of Temple Hills. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are committed to providing every customer with nothing short of outstanding service, each and every time.