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  • DARCARS Kia of Temple Hills

May 5, 2023

Driving a car comes with a learning curve. Feeling uncertain at first is natural, but confidence will come with time! Here are a few tips for student drivers from your local Kia dealership in Temple Hills, MD.



Take Note of These 6 Smart Tips for New Drivers

1.    Practice Without PressureMan driving | Temple Hills, MD

When you get your license, you now have the freedom to go everywhere. That doesn’t mean you should immediately go for a drive on a long road trip or navigate rush hour traffic. Spend time practicing your driving skills on quiet roads before you face high-pressure situations. Even a few weeks of driving on back roads can help improve your reaction time in a busy intersection.



2.    Drive Without Distractions

It goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway. Never text and drive. Don’t use your phone at all while you’re behind the wheel! More experienced drivers may listen to music or make phone calls, but we advise new drivers to gain experience on the road first.



3.    Put a “Student Driver” Sticker on Your Car

Other drivers can be inconsiderate when you make mistakes or drive more slowly than they’d like. Consider putting a small bumper sticker on the back of your car to let people know that you’re new to the road, and they’ll usually give you more distance. ​Don’t worry – With the right tools, you can easily take it off later!



4.    Stay Within the Speed Limit

It’s tempting to drive above the speed limit, especially when everyone is doing it. Seriously, though: Don’t speed! Speeding increases the risk of accidents and injuries. Not to mention, the punishments for speeding are much worse for new drivers. Keep in mind that speed limit signs are the highest maximum speed for optimal road conditions. If there’s rain, ice, or wind, you should slow it down.



5.    Be Aware of Other Drivers

The key to staying safe on the road is to expect nothing from other drivers. Don’t assume that other people will drive properly. Many people speed, tailgate, and merge erratically. While many people do drive safely, be prepared for the people who don’t and give other cars plenty of space.



6.    Bring a Friend

It may feel uncomfortable to drive alone when you’ve gotten used to having an instructor or parent in the car. Ask a friend to tag along for moral support while you practice! Make sure to bring someone you trust and who will not distract you.


Are you a new driver? At your local dealership, you’ll find a car that’s equipped with smart safety features at unbeatable prices. Contact us at DARCARS Kia of Temple Hills to begin your search for a vehicle, or stop by and see our inventory!